online condition monitoring remote services “Remote” became a household word for many working families in 2020. For the Prüftechnik Service Center team, “remote” became the best way to continue serving businesses worldwide during the pandemic.

Fortunately for our customers, the Prüftechnik Service Center clearly understands how remote solutions can help companies be productive and effective, especially during a global pandemic. The Service Center can leverage the vast storehouse of its team members’ practical knowledge and expertise and make available through online channels. Its service technicians have years, even decades, of experience in industrial maintenance. They are globally recognized and sought-after specialists in machinery alignment, machine trains, shafts and couplings, geometric alignment, vibration analysis, and condition monitoring.

Here are four ways to apply Prüftechnik expertise and experience to your situation.

1. Online condition monitoring

Prüftechnik has extensive experience and several ISO CAT I-IV experts in condition monitoring and vibration diagnosis and analysis. After the coronavirus’s global advance, the company enhanced the capabilities of its online condition monitoring and remote vibration analysis to provide pragmatic solutions for its customers.

Using stationary sensors, condition data is permanently stored at the machine and in a data center or cloud (via MQTT protocol). In-house specialists can perform the analysis, or the Prüftechnik Service Center can conduct it by accessing the data online. The data can also be analyzed remotely via software on a home PC.

Prüftechnik Online Condition Monitoring is a proven solution for the long-term (centralized) monitoring of machines and systems, even in difficult to access or geographically diverse locations.

2. Remote communication and knowledge transfer

Typically, Prüftechnik service technicians will visit a customer’s premises to address difficult challenges. However, travel restrictions and other constraints often prevent direct contact between customers and service technicians. Still, the Prüftechnik Service Center team continues to apply its expert knowledge for developing effective, sustainable solutions.

One of the silver linings that has come out of the focus on remote communication is the successful transfer of knowledge among customers and service experts. For example, Microsoft’s communication tool, Teams, is ideal for transferring know-how to a customer’s on-site service staff. At the same time, the employees involved can receive practical training through remote instructions.

3. Augmented reality

The latest innovation from the Prüftechnik Service Center team is a significant advance in augmented reality (AR) eyewear. AR makes it possible for the service technicians to see directly what the maintenance technician on-site sees and does. The service technician’s instructions appear projected onto the inside of the lens.

In this way, work can be carried out hand in hand as a team without a physical presence on site. Prüftechnik Services professionals in Poland are taking their first successful steps in AR using a large-scale project in Iraq. Other Prüftechnik Service Centers will soon offer this technology as a service solution.

4. Online courses and webinars

Prüftechnik in 2020 experienced enormous demand for online courses. Especially popular have been the free webinars lasting about one hour. Due to this strong response, we intend to expand this segment in the future.

At the same time, paid and certified online seminars are also generating a high response. The reason is obvious: If Prüftechnik consultants can no longer come to the company, you need your own specialists on-site—and these new experts can receive knowledge remotely via webinars and training courses from Prüftechnik.

If you’d like more information on Prüftechnik training and support, visit these pages on Prü

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